Rheumatology Consultants West New York
Rheumatology Consultants West New York

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound is an evermore commonly used tool of modern rheumatologic care.

The use of ultrasound in rheumatology is rapidly evolving. From early detection of arthritis and monitoring response to therapy, to improving accuracy and lessening discomfort of therapeutic injections, ultrasound is an evermore commonly used tool of modern rheumatologic care.

Musculoskeletal ultrasound has been considered a diagnostic tool for a variety of rheumatologic diseases for many years. In addition, numerous studies have confirmed that using ultrasound to guide diagnostic and therapeutic injections improves accuracy and minimizes patient discomfort. In current rheumatologic practice, musculoskeletal ultrasound can:

  • Assist in early detection of erosive disease
  • Aid in the assessment of effusions
  • Improve detection of enthesitis in seronegative spondyloarthropathies
  • Aid in assessment of crystal arthropathies
  • Help guide needle aspirations/injections

At Rheumatology Consultants of Western New York, we have added musculoskeletal ultrasound to our diagnostic and therapeutic armamentarium. Our goal is to continue to offer the most up-to-date, comprehensive, rheumatologic care available.
